Your first visit at Radiant Dentistry is not only about our team getting to know you, but also about you getting to know our team. In the time we spend together, we encourage you to ask questions, express your concerns, and share with us anything you want us to know to help make your care as individual as you are.

Part of getting to know you and providing safe, personalized support involves reviewing your medical history. Certain medical conditions and medications can influence your treatment protocols – so you will be asked to provide a list of your medications and their dosages (including vitamins and supplements).

Next, a full-mouth series of x-rays and a comprehensive oral exam of your teeth, gums, mouth, and jaw will be performed, including a non-invasive oral cancer screening.

First visit


We make every effort to gather detailed information on each patient’s individual insurance plan regarding how your insurance will effect the cost of your treatment and in office co-pays. Information provided by the insurance companies for both traditional and PPO plans are estimates based on information from your carrier, and are not a guarantee of payment or coverage. Services that are not covered entirely by insurance will be the patients responsibility and payment will be due at the time of the appointment.



Radiant Savings Plan

  • Annual Comprehensive Exam
  • Annual Full Series of X-rays
  • 20% discount on all other Dental Services

Periodontal Add-On Plan

  • 4 Quadrants of Scaling and Root Planing (“Deep Cleaning”) $1300 RETAIL PRICE
  • Quarterly Periodontal Maintenance Visits $680 RETAIL PRICE
  • Nearly 30% discount on the above periodontal procedures!!!

Benefits of Our Dental Plan

  • Immediate Eligibility
  • No Yearly Maximum
  • No Waiting Periods
  • No Deductibles
  • No Limitations for Pre-Existing Treatment
  • No Claim Forms to Submit