How Long Is Recovery After Oral Surgery?

  • 5 mins read

Oral surgery is often needed to address specific issues with your smile and bite. Dr. Sean Williams and his team at Radiant Dentistry in Newberry, Florida, offer a variety of surgical procedures for adults and youth. We use the very latest dental technology and techniques to protect and renew your oral health.

While oral surgery is personalized for every patient, Dr. Williams is frequently asked, “How long is recovery after oral surgery?” As you may imagine, every surgical need and procedure is different, so this answer varies. Let’s explore it a bit more.

Surgical Procedures and Recovery Considerations

Oral surgical procedures address various problems with teeth, gums, jawbone, and surrounding oral tissues. Some procedures are more extensive than others. Therefore, recovery time and post-operative instructions are tailored to the specific surgery and its impact on teeth and gums. Here are some of the more frequent oral surgeries we perform at Radiant Dentistry and the most common recovery considerations.

Tooth Extractions

Patients may need tooth extractions for all kinds of reasons, such as for dental prosthetics or implants. Recovery considerations include:

  • Avoiding extremely hot or cold food or drinks for a few days
  • Consuming only soft foods for a few days
  • Avoiding smoking, using straws, or spitting for a few days
  • Avoiding alcohol for a few days

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth commonly begin presenting problems around the late teen and early adult years. Sometimes there isn’t enough room for the teeth to come in properly, and they become impacted underneath the gums. Impacted wisdom teeth often become painful and infected and damage surrounding teeth. It is best to have these teeth removed before they cause serious problems. The following are recovery considerations for this procedure:

  • Use cold compresses for swelling over the first few days
  • Use OTC pain relievers to control pain for the first few days
  • Consume only room-temperature liquids for the first day or two
  • Consume only soft foods for the next few days
  • Avoid smoking, using straws, or spitting for at least five days
  • Avoid alcohol until the gums heal

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting can be necessary to prepare your jawbone structure for oral prosthetic appliances or dental implants. These surgeries vary according to how much bone tissue must be grafted. Recovery considerations are somewhat more extensive than extractions, and include:

  • Use cold compresses for swelling for up to two days after surgery
  • Moist heat can be applied after 48 hours to attenuate swelling and any jaw stiffness
  • Avoid rinsing or touching the surgery area for at least 48 hours
  • Take your prescribed pain medications as directed
  • Allow a day or two minimum for recovery before returning to normal activities

Full recovery can take between two weeks and several months, depending on your individual needs. For this reason, Dr. Williams will provide more personalized care instructions.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement and require oral surgery. The surgical procedure places the implant post in your jawbone. The post then fuses with your jawbone, a process called osseointegration. This process usually takes several months. Early in the process, your jaw will be tender and swollen. Recovery considerations include:

  • Apply cold compresses for swelling for up to two days after surgery
  • Moist heat can be applied after 48 hours to attenuate swelling and any jaw stiffness
  • Avoid rinsing or touching the surgery area for at least 48 hours
  • Use proper oral care during the healing process to prevent infection
  • Take OTC pain medications to manage pain
  • Allow a day or two minimum for recovery before returning to normal activities

Dr. Williams will provide specific cleaning details and aftercare instructions to ensure your best outcome.

How Long Will Swelling Last?

Some swelling will occur after oral surgery. As your mouth heals, you may also feel discomfort, tenderness, or pain for a few days following your procedure. Swelling typically peaks after 24 to 48 hours and should completely subside after a week or two, depending on your surgery. Rest and relaxation are key to letting your body heal after your procedure.

Some bruising can also be expected and may take up to a week or so to disappear. Cold compresses for the first 48 hours and then moist heat later can improve blood flow and help with bruising and swelling.

Find Out More About Oral Surgery Near Gainesville, FL

Timelines are never precise because the healing process varies for each person and surgical procedure. Dr. Williams will answer your questions in a confidential consultation before any surgery. Be sure to ask questions and share any concerns. If you experience lingering or worsening discomfort after surgery, contact Radiant Dentistry immediately. Our team is happy to offer advice and address your concerns.

Radiant Dentistry offers many types of oral surgery, each with its own recovery timeline. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your oral surgery needs.